70+ Responses to “We Should Talk More”

“We should talk more” – Simple phrase, complex meaning.

This article dives into how a seemingly straightforward sentence can hold different weight depending on who says it. We’ll explore how to respond to friends, family, or even new acquaintances when they express a desire for deeper conversation.

Get ready to decode the “talk more” message and strengthen your relationships!

Responses to “We Should Talk More”

If someone tells you “we should talk more,” a great response is to show your enthusiasm by saying “I’d love to!” or “Yes, let’s do that.” This lets them know you’re equally interested in spending more time talking and appreciate their suggestion.

  • “Absolutely, I’ve missed our chats!”
  • “Yes, I’d love that. When are you free?”
  • “We really should! Got any plans for the weekend?”
  • “That sounds great. Coffee or tea?”
  • “I’m all ears! What’s been going on with you?”
  • “Definitely, I’ll text you some times. How’s your schedule?”
  • “For sure! Any topics on your mind?”
  • “Count me in. Movie night or dinner?”
  • “I agree. Our conversations are always so enlightening.”
  • “Yes, please. I enjoy our time together.”
  • “Absolutely! Let’s not wait too long this time.”
  • “Sounds good. Do you prefer calls or texts?”
  • “I’m looking forward to it. How about a walk in the park?”
  • “Indeed. Shall we set a date?”
  • “I’d love that. What’s new in your world?”
  • “Great idea. It’s been too long already!”
  • “Yes, catching up sounds wonderful. What day works for you?”
  • “Couldn’t agree more. Any specific place in mind?”
  • “Definitely. I’ve got some stories to share!”
  • “Sure thing. Should we plan something fun?”
  • “That would be lovely. How about next week?”
  • “Sounds like a plan. I’ve missed our talks.”
  • “I was thinking the same. How’s life treating you?”
  • “Absolutely, we should. How about a Zoom call?”
  • “Yes! Our conversations are my favorite.”
  • “Couldn’t agree more. I’ll shoot you a message.”
  • “Definitely. It’s been too quiet without our chats.”
  • “For sure! How about breakfast soon?”
  • “Sounds perfect. Any new places you’d like to try?”
  • “Yes, and maybe we can try something new together.”
  • “I’m in! Missing those deep conversations.”
  • “Absolutely. Your stories always make my day.”
  • “That’s a must. Are you free this coming week?”
  • “Indeed, we have lots to catch up on!”
  • “Sounds like a great idea. I have so much to tell you!”
  • “For sure. How’s Wednesday looking for you?”
  • “Let’s do it. I’d love to hear about your adventures.”
  • “Yes, I was just thinking the same. What’s a good time?”
  • “Absolutely, it’s a date. Shall we try that new café?”
  • “Yes! There’s so much to share and discuss.”
  • “Couldn’t agree more. How about a picnic?”
  • “Definitely. Your insights are always so valuable.”
  • “I’m game. It’s always a pleasure catching up with you.”
  • “Absolutely. How about a weekly catch-up?”
  • “Sounds amazing. I miss our laughter.”
  • “For sure! I always learn so much from you.”
  • “Yes, looking forward to our next chat already!”
  • “Couldn’t agree more. Life’s too short not to.”
  • “Definitely. I’m excited already. What’s on your mind?”
  • “I love that idea. Friendship like ours is rare.”

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How to Respond to “We Should Talk More?”

1. Show Enthusiasm

Being enthusiastic is like being the first to smile in a room—it’s contagious and lifts everyone’s spirits.

When someone says, “We should talk more,” respond with genuine warmth. You could say, “That sounds fantastic! I’d love to catch up and hear more about what’s been going on with you.”

This shows you’re not just willing but eager to continue the conversation and deepen the connection.

2. Suggest a Plan

Another great response is to propose a specific plan. You could say, “That sounds great! How about we schedule a call this weekend?” or “Yes, I’d love that. Are you free for coffee next week?” This approach shows your enthusiasm and turns a general idea into actionable steps. Pick a time and place that works for both, making it easier to connect and follow through on your intention to communicate more.

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3. Be Open About Your Schedule

If you’re busy, be honest about it while showing you’re willing to make time. You could say, “My schedule is a bit packed, but I can definitely find some time. Let’s figure out what works best.”

It’s okay to have a busy schedule; just mention the times you’re free. This way, you both can find a moment that works without stress or misunderstanding.

4. Share Your Communication Preferences

Everyone has a preferred way to communicate; some enjoy texting while others prefer a good old-fashioned phone call.

It’s a great opportunity to be honest about your preferred method of keeping in touch. You could say, “I really enjoy our chats and would love to do it more often. I find that I’m most responsive to texts, or scheduling a video call works best for me.”

This way, you make it easier for both of you by setting clear expectations on how and when you’ll communicate.

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5. Express Appreciation

It’s thoughtful to acknowledge that you appreciate their initiative. You might say, “It means a lot that you want to keep in touch. I’m looking forward to it.”

This shows that you value their interest in maintaining communication and are grateful for their efforts.

Funny Responses to “We Should Talk More”

    • “Sure, I’ll start learning sign language!”
    • “Absolutely, my imaginary friend was just saying the same thing.”
    • “Do we have to? I just got comfortable with our silent telepathy.”
    • “Only if we can converse exclusively in movie quotes.”
    • “Great! I’ll send you my available time slots from 2025.”
    • “Cool, I’ll sharpen my smoke signals skills.”
    • “Definitely! My pet rock was feeling left out of our conversations.”
    • “Sure, right after I finish talking to the moon about my feelings.”
    • “I’m in, as long as it’s a chat about why pizza is the best food.”
    • “Yes, but only in Morse code.”
    • “Our conversations are what I live for, right after napping.”
    • “Absolutely! I’ll add you to my newsletter about my love for socks.”
    • “Sure, I’ve been looking to improve my interpretive dance communication.”
    • “Perfect, I’ve almost mastered speaking penguin.”
    • “Yes, just as soon as I figure out how to communicate in emojis only.”
    • “Brilliant, I need someone to practice my alien language on.”
    • “Absolutely, it’s what my collection of talking plants recommended.”
    • “Sure! I was about to host a seminar on the philosophy of cartoons.”
    • “I can’t wait! I’ve been eager to debate the best kind of pasta.”
    • “Great! I’ll start our convo with a detailed analysis of why cats rule the internet.”

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